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Here are a few samples of some of the work I completed throughout the course of ENG 110 – H5:


Essay Sample:

Project #3 – Draft #1

Project #3, Final Draft


Peer Review Sample:

Megan – Essay #2



Consider the Lobster – David Foster Wallace

Journal #1 – January 19, 2019

Assignment: Imagine you could invite David Foster Wallace into the discussion in our classroom. What questions would you ask him about this essay?

  • Was Consider the Lobster written with the specific goal of convincing people to stop eating lobsters? There are a couple moments where the wording suggests that there is almost an agenda behind the writing of this essay, trying to stop people from eating lobsters, mostly because of the way they are cooked and prepared. Mr. Wallace mentions several times in his essay that “readers of a culinary magazine do not want to hear about how they should stop eating certain things”, as Consider the Lobster was originally published. He takes a very clear stance that lobsters should not be eaten anymore, because of the “inhumane” conditions that they are subjected to, so I would ask him if CtL was just meant to inform people about how lobsters are killed for human consumption, or if it was a desperate plea for us to stop eating these creatures.


The End of Food – Lizzie Widdicombe

Journal #4 – February 3, 2019

Assignment: Pick three sections that are interesting or could be helpful in writing the paper. 

  • Page 5, Paragraph 4
    • This passage would be helpful for the paper we are writing because it touches on one of the ways that Soylent could be beneficial. One way that people don’t really think about climate change is with food. Widdicombe quotes Tim Gore, head of food policy and climate change at Oxfam, a large nonprofit group, in this passage. Gore once said, “The main way that most people will experience climate change is through the impact on food…”. This is an important thing to consider, especially if Soylent works as well as its creator says it does. Though it is expensive to get even a week’s supply right now, if it was made more accessible, then the people whose food will be affected the most (the poor and lower middle class) would have an option on how to get the nutrients they need if climate change effects the food supply to an extent where it is harder to come by than it already is.


Animals Like Us – Hal Herzog

Journal #15 – March 27, 2019

Assignment: Pick three sections that are interesting or could be helpful in writing the paper. 

  • Page #2, Paragraph #3 (This part really got me)
    • Jim Thompson had a pet cockatiel. He let her go. He said “I knew she wouldn’t survive, that she probably starved. I guess I was doing it for myself more than for her”. That is a great way to support Herzog’s argument about the twisted views we sometimes have about animals. If he was so for “animals rights” then why would he let the animal go, knowing it would starve. Personally, I think this is reprehensible, but it does show the strange way humans see animals sometimes if he let his beloved pet go, knowing she would die, because he felt bad about keeping her in a cage in his home.